0x02 travis + nikola
One has running Nikola. One stores all ones work on GitHub and hosts it on the GitHub Pages. Nice. But
do I really need to push my changes to the repo, and when I'm ready, build static pages and push them
to the master
. And what if I'm not at my computer, what if I must change some typo. It would be
nice if something could do this build and deploy the stuff for me.
That is why I invite...
Travis CI
What one needs to have to proceed? Travis account connected to the GitHub account. Choose repository with your site and change some settings. I checked Build only if .travis.yml is present, Build pushed branches and Build pushed pull requests.
As the 'checkbox' says Travis will build only if .travis.yml is present. So add it to the repo! Travis should do 2 things: build static files and deploy them to master. The first part should look like:
language: python
cache: apt
sudo: false
- language-pack-en-base
- 3.6.5
- master
- pip install 'Nikola[extras]'==8.0.0.b2
- nikola build
First 9 lines: Nikola is written in python, it is why we need it in, at least, version 3.
Travis should ignore any changes on master branch (he will do them himself after all), that's the
reason for excepting branch master. First, we have to install Nikola using pip. I forced
version 8.0.0.b2 for its built-in theme. By default, pip installs version 7 of Nikola. After all
this 'work' there is time for build script: nikola build
Ok, so now we have our site build. How deploy it on GitHub Pages? One could play with nikola deploy
or a few git
commands, but Travis has a deploy provider for that:
provider: pages
skip-cleanup: true
keep-history: true
github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
local-dir: output
target-branch: master
verbose: true
repo: death-of-rats/death-of-rats.github.io
branch: source
More information could be found at TCI01.
I added local-dir
to set what should be deployed and where (repo
and target-branch: master
This operation should take place on source branch.
In GitHub Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens Generate new token
for Travis.
At GH01
you can read what to do. This token insert in Travis settings Environment Variables and use it by
Ok, now is the time to push changes and watch how Travis is building and deploying Your site.
Easy, I almost forget about that 4 hours of tries...
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