0x01 github + nikola

How to start GitHub repo for hosting pages with Nikola. I want a branch (let us name it source) where I will keep my project. I plan to generate static files to some folder and push it to the master branch. In other words, master branch will have my site and source branch will have the whole Nikola engine with my source files.

I need to create new repo: .github.io on GitHub page. Next, I will clone it to the local folder, make my branch and push it.

git clone git@github.com:death-of-rats/death-of-rats.github.io.git
cd death-of-rats.github.io.git
git commit --allow-empty -am "start using repo"
git branch source
git checkout source
git push --set-upstream origin source

And I have the empty repo with 2 branches.

Now I init the Nikola project in repo root folder (on branch source). Nikola will produce html files to the output folder so I need, after the first test run, split subtree for that folder and push it to master:

git push origin `git subtree split --prefix output/ master`:master --force

It's almost done. Manual deploy command may look like this:

git add -A
git commit -m "<deploy message for commit>" -S
git push origin source
git subtree push --prefix output/ origin master

What have I missed? I didn't add .gitignore...


0x00 std::make_shared

This is the place...

... where I dump my RAM - thoughts I don't want to lose.

auto this->Place = std::make_shared<Blog>();

It's some start... not necessarily a good one.